Attention all CCLEOA Members:
Membership Updates
The CCLEOA ranges are undergoing continual improvements and updates and for many years, CCLEOA,has not updated member information on liability waivers/hold harmless agreements and range training. In order to address those issues, new membership requirements are being implemented.
Beginning with the 2025 membership year, all members will be required to sign a new liability waiver/hold harmless agreement, every year. The liability waiver/hold harmless agreement must accompany the membership renewal payment.
Additionally, all current and new members must successfully complete a range safety brief given by a current Range Safety Officer every other year. The initial training must be completed by April 2026.
Range safety briefs will be starting in the near future for any members who would like to get “ahead of the curve”. Class schedules will be sent via CCLEOA e-mail and posted on the Range bulletin boards.
Not meeting these requirements will result in the member’s access code being suspended until the requirements are met. The individual will still be a member of the range with full rights to attend meetings and related CCLEOA functions, except they may not enter the range property to participate in shooting activities.
Please pass and share this information with all CCLEOA members.
Reminder to all Members: Sunday Range Hours are 1300 until 1800 hours.
Volunteer Cleaning Teams
Rick Cornell has volunteered to manage the cleaning crews and was approved by the board.
If you would like to volunteer to be on a crew, please contact Rick at:
(301) 639-2880
Membership application for CCLEOA
Attention to anyone that would like to apply for membership to CCLEOA. Please DO NOT mail a membership application to the PO Box.
You must be in attendance at a meeting, with the required paperwork to be considered, and be voted on for membership. Please contact me for more information. steve@ccleoa.org
We now have a large dumpster on the range
You must still flatten out all boxes, and any large paper targets leave them flat or fold them flat, DO NOT ball them up.
Brass goes in the buckets on each of the ranges.
Pistol Shooters
It is requested that pistol shooters use the area on the left side of the pistol range and refrain from using the area in front of the turning targets.
Railroad ties with appropriately spaced holes for dowels have been added in that area.
This request is made to reduce the damage caused to the turning targets by stray shots and walking over the air lines to place targets.
The area on the left side has been set up to alleviate the need to climb over the ties to set targets and is more suitable for casual shooting.
Thank you, Executive Board