Section 1. This organization shall be known as the CRAVEN COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Craven County, North Carolina.
This organization is formed for the purpose of:
Section 1. Promoting closer cooperation among the various branches of the Law Enforcement Officers of Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties, North Carolina.
Section 2. Promoting better understanding of the law and its means of enforcement through sharing and exchange of new methods and ideas, in order to further improve the administration of justice.
Section 3. Promoting personal standards and social fellowship among members that result in professional integrity and favorable public recognition for those dedicated to service in the law enforcement field.
Section 4. Operating, maintaining and controlling an education and training center for the use of agency and associate members as well as other Association-approved groups that promote instruction and training in lawful firearms use. (Amended November 9, 2004)
Section 1. Agency Membership shall be solely for the purpose of agency training and not as a substitute for individual memberships and is defined as follows:
- Large law enforcement agencies with twenty (20) or more sworn positions.
- Small law enforcement agencies with nineteen (19) or less sworn positions.
- An educational institution for the purpose of Basic Law Enforcement Training.
- Separate agency membership is also available to other groups such as non-sworn Criminal Justice agencies, Correctional Facilities, or an educational institution for other training which requires use of the Association’s training facilities. (Amended April 14, 2009)
Section 2. Individual Membership
- Sworn Membership shall consist of any U.S. Federal, State or Local law enforcement officer with the power of arrest, assigned duties or residing in the state of North Carolina; or a former U.S. Federal, State or Local law enforcement officer, retired in good standing, who resides in the state of North Carolina. (Amended April 9, 2019)
- Associate Membership shall consist of United States citizens not eligible for sworn membership as described in ARTICLE III Section 1 who resides in North Carolina. (Amended April 9, 2019)
- Life Membership may be awarded to any current Sworn or Associate Members who have rendered an unusual service to the Association. Nominations for Life Membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors no later than the November meeting. Those nominations endorsed by the Board shall be voted on by the membership at the December meeting. Life Members shall not be assessed annual dues. (Amended April 9, 2019)
Section 3. 1. Sworn, Associate and Life members shall have the right to attend meetings, speak, vote, serve on committees and may serve as an elected official. (Amended April 9, 2019)
- The total number of Sworn, Associate and Life members combined shall not exceed 500. (Amended April 9, 2019)
Section 4. Honorary Membership shall consist of those persons who are ineligible for Sworn or Associate Membership who have contributed an unusual service to the association but who are nominated and voted on by the members. This membership shall be for a one (1) year period. Members shall have the right to attend meetings, speak, and serve on committees but shall not propose motions, vote, serve in an elected office. Honorary Members shall not be assessed dues.
Section 5. Application for membership shall be on the prescribed application form and submitted to the Secretary, together with the proper application fee. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. The applicant shall be considered and voted on at a regular meeting upon submission of the application; but only if the applicant is in attendance at said meeting (exceptions may be approved by the executive board). A majority vote of the membership present shall constitute approval of the application. Following the vote, the new members will attend a range brief and be issued a membership card. (Amended April 9, 2019)
Section 6. Membership in the Association may be terminated by the Association for reasons and in manner as follows:
- For nonpayment of dues (no vote of the membership is necessary)
- For conduct unbecoming a member (vote of membership is required)
- By sworn officer severance from official duties and notification of expulsion (vote of membership is required)
- Violation of Association Rules (vote of membership is required)
- Flagrant violation of State or local laws (vote of membership is required.)
Section 1. The term of office for the President, and Vice-President shall be for one (1) year. The term of office for the Secretary and Treasurer shall be two (2) years and shall be staggered such that each office will be filled by election on alternate years. (Amended February 8, 2011.)
Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. In conducting meetings his/her decisions shall be final, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution or By-Laws. He/She shall exercise general supervision over Association affairs, and represent the Association in its official relations with others.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall be prepared to assume temporarily the office and duties of the President in case of the absence or incapacity of that officer. When acting in the place of the President, the Vice-President has all the powers, duties, privileges and responsibilities of the office.
Section 4. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Secretary should be prepared to preside. The secretary shall keep a careful and authentic record of the proceedings of the Association and shall authenticate all records by his/her signature. He/She shall maintain all records, reports and documents of the Association, and prior to each meeting furnish the President with a detailed memorandum of matters to come up under each section of the order of business. He/She shall draft all official letters for the Association and keep a file of all the correspondence.
Section 5. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial records and reports of the Association. This includes all receipts, authorized disbursements, banking and safekeeping of monies. He/She shall furnish reports of financial condition as directed. In order to allow member review, the Treasurer shall present a proposed budget for the next fiscal year at the November meeting. Approval and adoption of the budget shall take place by vote of the members present at the December membership meeting. (Amended February 8, 2011.)
Section 6. A vacancy in the office of the President will be filled by the Vice-President who will serve for the remainder of his predecessor’s term. A vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer will be filled for the remainder of the term by a special election.
Section 7. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be the Executive Committee of the Association. The Executive Committee shall assure compliance with the Association's Conflict of Interest Policy. (Amended October 12, 2010.)
Section 1. At the November meeting a nominating committee shall be elected by the members of the Association. The nominating committee will consist of three (3) members. The President shall not be an ex-officio member of the committee or attend committee meetings.
Section 2. The duties of the Nominating Committee are to select those best qualified to fill the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association; to interview prospective nominees and to make sure that they will accept the nomination and serve if elected. A member of the nominating committee can be selected as a nominee for office. The final report of a nominating committee must be formally voted upon at a meeting of the committee and be signed by all members of the committee who agree with it. The report of the committee shall be made at the December meeting at which time any nominations from the floor shall be accepted. Elections shall then be held and the results announced.
Section 3. Officers of the Association will be elected by the majority vote of those members present at the December meeting.
Section 4. The Association’s installation of Officers will be held at the January meeting.
Section 1. All contracts, obligations, or special funds shall be authorized at a regular
or special meeting by vote of the majority of Association members present.
Section 1. Members of the association in good standing shall receive cards of membership which shall entitle them to all the privileges of the Association. Members will receive their membership card after all dues are paid and the member has received instruction at a Range Safety class administered by a Range Safety Officer.
Section 2. When a member shall resign, or be suspended or expelled in accordance with any of the By-Laws or rules of the Association, he/she shall have no right nor interest in the property of the Association, or privileges therein: and in such case the card of membership shall be forthwith surrendered and canceled.
Section 1. A quorum of the association shall consist of not less than ten (10) members personally present, of which one must be a duly elected officer of the association.
Section 2. A majority vote of the membership present at a regular or special meeting is required for the Association to take action.
Section 3. Regular meetings will be held at the Training Facility on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm, except the quarterly meeting will be held at 7pm, unless a different time and date are set by the Executive Committee. If any change occurs, all members will be notified where the regular meeting will be held in sufficient time to insure attendance.
Section 4. The Executive Committee has the authority to call a special meeting. An attempt to notify all members shall be made to notify them of the date, time, place and purpose of the special meeting, and no business other than that for which the special meeting has been called shall be transacted thereat. (Amended April 14, 2009)
Section 1.The order of business shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Pledge of allegiance to the flag followed by a moment of silence for first responders and military.
- Reading or disposition of the minutes of previous meeting
- Reading and approval of Treasurer’s Report
- Reports of Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- New member nominations and vote
- Announcements
- Adjournment
Section 1. The President at the January meeting of the Association shall appoint a Chairman for the following standing committees.
- Kitchen
- Maintenance
- Range Safety Officer
- Planning Committee (Amended April 14, 2009.)
- Fund Raising
- Range Maintenance
- By Laws
Section 2. Each of the said committee Chairmen may appoint additional committee members as he/she deems necessary in order to facilitate the duties of that committee. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 3. The President shall be an ex-officio member of each of the standing committees. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 4. The President shall have the power from time to time to create additional committees and to delegate to such committees such duties and powers as may be found necessary, and the president may appoint to such committees any member or members of the Association.
Section 5. The president shall have the power to remove any member of any committee. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 1. Annual agency fees and individual member dues for the following fiscal year shall be fixed for all classes of membership at a regular meeting of the Association by majority vote of the members present. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 2. Annual dues for individual, sworn and associate members shall be due and payable between 1 October and 31 December of each year. If membership dues are not paid by December 31st, he/she will stand terminated for nonpayment of dues and his/her name withdrawn from the mailing and the membership list. Any member who was dropped for non-payment of their dues, and was a member in good standing within the last two years, may pay the new member fee to rejoin the association without filling out a new application or requiring a membership vote. If non-membership status exceeds two years, a new application and membership vote is required. (Amended June 9, 2020.)
- Initiation fees paid by individual sworn and associate members who are accepted for membership at the October, November or December meeting shall be credited for their annual dues payable in the next calendar year. (Amended November 2016.)
Section 3. Large agency payment deadline shall be July 1 of each year. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 4. Small agency payment deadline shall be January 1 of each year. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 5. An individual member terminated for nonpayment of dues can be reinstated by following the new member application procedure in Article III, Section 5. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 1. All amendments to these By-Laws shall be approved at a regular meeting by vote of the majority of members present. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 2. A proposed amendment may be submitted by members of the Association who are entitled to vote. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be presented in writing to the by laws committee chairperson and signed by the proposer(s). (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be presented at three (3) regular meetings before the vote to amend is taken. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 4. Approved amendments to these By-Laws shall be permanently noted opposite the sections deleted or changed with the date of adoption. This is required to facilitate reference back to the Association Minutes.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of all members to render proper and faithful adherence to the United States, State of North Carolina, County and Local Laws. All members of the Association shall abide by the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of this Association, and shall aid, assist, and sustain their officers in the proper discharge of their duties.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of members to pay promptly all dues, assessments, etc., which may be levied or charged against them, as determined by majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting. (Amended April 14, 2009.)
Section 1. Members may bring a guest(s) to the regular meetings (with the exception of the December meeting) or facility providing the sponsor member defrays any expenses and is responsible for the conduct of guests. (Amended April 9, 2019)
Section 2. Range rules are to be prominently displayed on Association property and readily available to members and guests.
The Craven County Law Enforcement Officers' Association shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, and marital status. Such discrimination and/or harassment is prohibited in all aspects of membership qualification, vendor selection, and hiring. Violation of this policy will result in Board action deemed appropriate, which may include termination of membership and/or employment. This policy applies to all members, officers, and employees of the Association. (Amended November 12, 2013)